There are two ways to add interactivity to video:

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There are two ways to add interactivity to video:

Post by Arzina3225 »

It has been known for a long time that video is more effective than text. But if we are to believe Max Greenwood, director of social media at TiVi, interactive video is even more effective than linear video. So why isn't everyone using it yet? Because there are quite a few misunderstandings and myths about the use of interactive video. So it's time to help dispel them with some great examples.

Interactive video is only limited by what your imagination can conceive, and passive video is a thing of the past – Max Greenwood

Interactive videos?
Interactive is sometimes confused with interaction, which means viewers reacting to your video. Interactive video is more about the viewer's action than reaction. They are dynamic videos, in which the viewer's behavior determines how the video progresses and what appears on screen.

1. Layovers
These are clickable elements that are placed over the video. These layers are easy to add to existing video content .

2. Branching
This literally means 'branching'. The video malaysia phone number list starts at one point, the introduction. The viewer's choices then make different scenarios possible and can create multiple branches.

This way you can make purchases directly from the video, add more depth by referring to external links, download documents directly from the video or ask for feedback from viewers.

Now that we have that cleared up, it's time to bring in the myths.


Myth #1: Interactive video isn't mobile-friendly
In the first quarter of 2017, a record percentage of video – a whopping 57% worldwide – was watched on smartphones. For example, Philips’ Designed to Play campaign was watched by 65% ​​of viewers on smartphones. The average viewing time on mobile was 4 minutes.

Online video platforms are therefore increasingly aware of the fact that they need to optimize interactivity for mobile. Adobe Flash is hardly supported by any browser these days. This is due to the many malfunctions and glitches. That is why videos are now often delivered in, among other things, HTML5. This is a mobile-friendly composition, which also allows interactivity to work in mobile browsers.
example, there are organizations that pay between €1,000 and €5,000 for a video. While there are also organizations that easily pay more than €10,000 per production.
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