Do keyword research
It is essential to be aware saudi number finder of what people are looking for in order to intercept opportunities and understand current trends.
Identifying the keywords that have the highest search volume and search intent, therefore, is an essential activity to make you findable and noticed by users .
If your website is not relevant to the search terms identified, not only will you have a hard time ranking your website but you will risk experiencing a high bounce rate.
People tend to search for businesses that are close to them, so it’s important to leverage your business’s geographic location. It’s a good idea to include the cities closest to you in your meta tags.
The meta title tag and the meta description are two of the fundamental elements from an SEO perspective for the ranking of your site in the SERP (the search results page) and for the CTR (click-through-rate, the rate of opening of the link).

What are the tips to optimize them best in a Local SEO strategy?
Include your brand name in both the meta title tag and meta description to make yourself identifiable.
Include the city or area of reference to provide clear geographical indications.