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Participation in Telecinco News – Digital harassment

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2024 4:51 am
by jrine
A few days ago I participated in Informativos Telecinco in a very curious and harsh news item… “sentenced to 6 months in prison for sending more than 400 messages in one week to his ex-partner”.

And I say hard not because of the condemnation, but because it is hard that people do not know where the line is, where the end is to a love story, a friendship... where the line is that separates the possibility from the definitive NO .

The sentence is clear, “a burofax is not necessary to realize that silence means NO” . The complainant has been sentenced to 6 months in prison for the crime of coercion of his ex-partner. The sentence also establishes a restraining order.

In one week, he sent her more than 400 messages via WhatsApp; he also allegedly used other methods such as SMS or attempted calls.

As you can see in the news piece, there are many people who have felt “harassed” by acquaintances and lesser-known people. As I say in the news and commented behind the camera, there are different things we should do in case this happens to us:

Make it clear that we do not want him to send us more messages

Although silence, as has happened iran telegram data on this occasion, is also a NO , I recommend that you make your position clear from the start: “Hello, please, I do not want to continue receiving messages. Thank you .”

Block the person

If it is recurrent, another option would be to block this person via social networks, WhatsApp, etc. It really is a patch, since experience tells me that they will use other numbers, mutual friends, etc. to reach the person in question.

Notify our environment

It is always a good thing if you do not go through this “ordeal” alone; tell your closest circle or people you trust what is happening. In addition, you will be on “pre-alert” .

Do not delete messages

I know that you probably have the impulse to delete the messages that are being sent to you, but I do not recommend that you delete them since they can be a very relevant future test.


If the digital harassment and/or coercion does not stop, as the young woman in this article did, report it. Blocking, deleting, “passing” … are just patches that can even go further, that is, cases have been seen where, when these people are blocked, they have no choice but to show up at your work, home, etc., something that could be even more uncomfortable.