SEO and SEM are undoubtedly friends, but they are the kind that, although it may seem otherwise, have the famous “right to rub shoulders” .
An SEO consultant is clear about this, he knows that his work is not at odds with that of a Google Ads specialist . He knows that everything counts, that together they are stronger.
I don't know if it's because of the similarity of the acronyms, or for any other reason, but many people still confuse what each issue is about; therefore, I will briefly explain the meaning of each action:
SEO ( Search Engine Optimization)
This is natural positioning in search engines, that is, “free” , and I put free in quotes because it is probably worth investing in a professional who can do it in the best possible way, but for which you do not have to pay Google .
It is therefore a set of actions list of telegram users in india that are developed in an orchestrated manner, with the aim of ensuring that the web resource that they are trying to position is as high as possible in search engines.
We are now talking about paid actions, that is, campaigns and promotions (in the form of an advertisement) that we will carry out in search engines. These search engine marketing strategies achieve, like SEO, positioning your websites, eCommerce, etc. but “on a checkbook basis” , selecting specific keywords , bidding to obtain a better result, etc.
Having explained the concepts very briefly, let me tell you 3 differences between SEO and SEM:
Investment : In SEM, the search engines are paid directly, i.e., either by appearance or by click, and the campaigns they develop will have a direct cost. On the other hand, in SEO, the positioning will be natural, i.e., through certain prior professional methodologies, the consultant ensures that the resource (website, blog, eCommerce, etc.) is well positioned; in the latter case, without money involved.
Promptness : SEO is not immediate, that is, it will take some time for the resources I mentioned above to obtain a notable position. However, SEM, being “paid” , obtains immediate results.
Measurement : In SEM, monitoring is much easier; you will know the budget, which keywords are working best, segment geographically, by audience, by pages... SEO will have a more difficult task, since the results it produces will be more complicated to relate, and they will also be more ambiguous.
As the title of this article says, SEO and SEM should have a “right to rub shoulders” . I am one of those professionals who thinks that together they are stronger. But it is like everything, there are people for and against.
Those of us who support parallel campaigns do so basically based on the fact that it provides more ways for that traffic to reach the site.
On the other hand, there are those who think that only one or the other strategy should be used; without a doubt, if they are well done, they will obtain results, but together, with that friction... those results will be greater.