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Origin and Future of Artificial Intelligence:

Posted: Thu Dec 26, 2024 8:24 am
by Sgfujfg
We can see a very modern term, but the reality that arose in the decade of the 50s with the mathematics, writer and philosopher ALAN TURING, one of the precursors of modern computing.

Corría ya el año 1956 when John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky and Claude engineer database Shannon adopted the theoretical concept: “the science and engineering of using intelligent machines, especially intelligent computing programs”, at the time of conocida artificial intelligence at its conference at the University of Darmouth College, USA.

Between 1965 and 1993, conventional bots like “ELIZA” and mobile robots like “Polly” were launched, and a great match was made between the “Deep Blue” computer from IBM and Kasparov from the great master of Ajedrez.

It presents our surprise, but the future can change our lives as we know and we know in the cloud group we will contact you when we come to AI to prepare you.
There is a recent investigation by the University of Oxford at around 40 years old and we hope to have a series of transcendental successes in this order:

IA superará al humano en traducción de idiomas hacia 2024.
Hacia 2026 is possible for AI to write if it is better than ESO students.
Possibly the final part of this decade will be much more safe than our auto driving if we do not harm our human beings.
The AI ​​of 2031 will be an expert in marketing, super and human capabilities.
Having said that, robots tend to be capable of carrying out autonomously, superimposed on the need for human intervention and at most of our limits, it is presumed that the machines equipped with IA can carry out their scientific investigations.

In The Cloud Group you will be asked and consulted so that you can clarify and identify the form of your projects, in addition to our technological services that apply Artificial Intelligence that can be very useful to you.

We invite you to communicate with our nostrils, we explain your needs and requirements for this digital transformation.