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Good news for March

Posted: Tue Dec 24, 2024 6:22 am
by ashammi258
A digest of the most interesting events from the life of UIS tools and from our life in general over the past month.

We have relaunched Notifications


Our Notifications 2.0 has become richer and more bahamas phone numbers convenient. The logic has been simplified, events have been added for which notifications can be made, and there are more integration options. In more detail:

the essence of events has been changed - now they are oriented towards the direction of the call;

the notification conditions and the range of information sent have been expanded;

a custom notification template with a preview mechanism and a description of the transmitted parameters with examples has appeared;

integration capabilities have been added: HTTP notifications can now be sent using the GET and POST methods (with the POST method given complete freedom to form the body within the JSON structure);

added a report on sent notifications, where you can track the sending status and the number of events;

It became possible to disable notifications without resetting their settings.

Notifications perfectly complement other features of the Virtual PBX: they allow you to avoid missed calls, as well as control any important business events. The functionality can be easily expanded using integrations .

For customers who already use notifications, we remind you to transfer all settings from the old version (1.0) of notifications to the new one before June 1.

Analyzing with UIS? Now you can do more
This update will be of interest to those who use our web analytics (a useful bonus when connecting call tracking , lead generator or UIS online consultant ). Transitions to your site that ended with a call, chat or application are segmented in even more detail by source channels and user device categories.

Because there are now nine types of channels:

display — transitions from advertising banners;

paid — transitions from advertising platforms and systems: Yandex.Market, Aport, Begun, Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct and other paid advertising;

affiliate — transitions from affiliate networks;

social — transitions from social networks;

email — transitions from e-mail newsletters;

organic — transitions from search results;

direct — direct visits to the URL entered in the address bar or through a bookmark in the browser;

internal — transitions made after the end of the session (30 minutes of inactivity), or from a page of your site on which our code is not installed;

referral — transitions from third-party sites.

There are three categories of devices: PC, Smartphone and Tablet (for comparison, previously we simply divided them into mobile and stationary).

In order to see such information by channels and devices in UIS reports, it is not necessary to configure analytics especially carefully. It is enough to simply activate the advertising campaign "Visitors without an advertising campaign" already pre-set in the service.

Small update of Virtual PBX. 2 pieces
And in March, there were two small but important updates to the Virtual PBX. The first will allow you to download all the necessary conversation records and faxes at once, and not one by one, as before. The second - quickly connect SIP lines directly when creating an employee profile.