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But to develop an additional section

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2025 7:28 am
by jarinislamfatema
You will have to increase the budget, since the costs will increase. And it is also worth considering that if the main domain is old, then it has a certain level of trust from search engines, but the new section will be deprived of these privileges - you will have to earn trust from search engines again. Subdomain for mobile version of the site A mobile site is moved to a subdomain if it is not possible to fully adapt and optimize the main version of the site for gadgets.

For example, the well-known site Its main russia cell phone number list version differs significantly from the mobile version, even in its functionality. It is worth remembering that more than 50% of users use gadgets and generate mobile traffic , so AdButton specialists recommend creating a site on a mobile subdomain - this will increase the influx of visitors to your page. Microsites Microsites have gained popularity relatively recently, and they are used only for various promotions or company promo activities. In other cases, creating microsites does not make sense, as it will entail unnecessary unproductive costs for website promotion .

Google's Opinion Once upon a time, Google's leading analyst John Mueller was asked: what is better to use - a subdomain or a subdirectory? He answered that for their company there is no key difference. But subdirectories have much higher visibility and frequency of Google queries than sites using subdomains, so this statement cannot be considered true. Conclusion Still, what to use - a subdirectory or a subdomain? No one can give an exact answer to this question. Each method has its pros and cons, which affect not only your budget, but also the promotion to the top of search engines in general.