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subject to 12% tax on the income earned.

Posted: Mon Dec 23, 2024 4:34 am
by RRAkib1@#
from tax until age 26?
How much is the youth tax relief?
Application for waiver of exemption
How to settle PIT-37 for persons under 26 years of age?
Young people who are just starting their adventure on the job market can take advantage of the personal income tax (PIT) relief. The relief consists of an exemption from PIT, provided that certain conditions are met.

What exactly is ph cp number youth tax relief?
Every employee is obliged to settle personal income tax.

So if our income in the tax year was less than PLN 120,000, we are subject to 12% tax on the income earned.


In the previous tax year the income amounted to PLN 80,000.

You will therefore have to pay PLN 6,000 in income tax on this amount.

Therefore, the government, wanting to make it easier for young workers to enter the job market, has decided to exempt them from paying this tax - you do not have to pay it.

By using youth relief you gain!

This means you'll get more cash in hand.

Exemption from contributions

People up to 26 years of age can also benefit from the exemption from ZUS contributions. However, fewer people are entitled to it. The following people are exempt from ZUS contributions:

working on a contract basis,
working under a contract for specific work,
having the status of a pupil or student.
You gain even more!

If you are a person under 26 years of age who is studying and at the same time working under a contract for services or for specific work, it means that the gross amount in your case equals the net amount!

When can you take advantage of youth tax relief?
A taxpayer may benefit from the relief if:

is under 26 years old,
its revenues come from contracts covered by the relief,
the amount of revenue obtained in the tax year does not exceed PLN 85,528.
Who can benefit from youth tax relief?
The opportunity to benefit from the discount ends on your 26th birthday.

When applying the exemption, the day on which the employer pays the employee's remuneration is important, and not the moment of its calculation or the day on which the remuneration is paid in a given month as specified in the employment contract.


Jan's birthday is March 20, he works under an employment contract, enjoying the youth tax relief, but this year he turns 26.

This means that the relief is valid until 20 March inclusive, after which advance payments for personal income tax will be calculated.

Salary payments in the company where Jan works are made on the first day of each month. Jan's birthday is March 20, when the relief ceases to apply.

The next salary in the company is paid on the 1st of the month, in this case on April 1st, so on April 1st, Jan will receive his salary for the days 1-20 March without taxation, while the salary for the rest of the month will be taxed.

Any subsequent salary received by John will be taxed as he has turned 26 and has lost the right to benefit from the relief.

What income is exempt from tax until age 26?
from a service relationship (applies to employment in public offices),
employment relationship,
outwork (performed at home, during any working hours decided by the contractor himself),
cooperative employment relationship (under a cooperative employment contract, a member of the cooperative undertakes to perform a specific type of work for the cooperative, and the cooperative is obliged to employ the member and pay him/her remuneration for the work performed),
from contracts for services,
for completing a graduate internship,
for completing a student internship,
from maternity benefit.
The relief does not cover income from:

contracts for specific work,
management contracts – the manager pays tax even if he is under 26 years old,
assistance with harvesting – revenues from such a contract are included in other sources of revenue and therefore tax must be paid,
property rights, including copyrights – does not apply to employees and contractors,
business activity and freelance professions - in this case you have to pay tax,
from sickness benefit, care allowance, sickness benefit from accident insurance and rehabilitation benefit.
Debts that are not covered by the youth tax relief do not affect the amount of income that is exempt under this relief.

How much is the youth tax relief?

The exemption applies to an amount not exceeding PLN 85,528 in the tax year. After exceeding the exemption limit, revenues are subject to taxation according to the general rules applicable in the tax system.

Exceeding the limit and the tax-free amount
The relief limit is PLN 85,528, but persons eligible for the relief can also benefit from the tax-free amount of PLN 30,000.

This means that the obligation to pay tax will only occur after exceeding the limits of the youth tax relief and the tax-free amount.

The excess over the amount benefiting from the exemption is subject to a deduction for contributions to retirement, disability and sickness insurance deducted by the payer from the taxpayer's funds.


Jan is 23 years old, he is employed under an employment contract, from which his annual income is PLN 80,000.

Income from employment is covered by the relief, Jan does not exceed the income limit and therefore meets all the requirements necessary to be covered by the relief.

However, Jan runs a business.

What impact does running a business have on youth tax relief?

Business income is not covered by the relief, which means that Jan is subject to one of the three forms of taxation of business income. However, this does not affect the amount covered by the youth relief, which he is entitled to under his employment contract.

Therefore, Jan will pay income tax only from the business activity he conducts.

Several contracts, but relief for young people
The exemption limit is cumulative, which means that it covers all contracts covered by the youth tax relief; the total amount obtained from these contracts cannot exceed the specified limit of PLN 85,528.

Exceeding the limit results in taxation of the amount by which the limit was exceeded.


Jan performs work on the basis of mandate contracts for two different clients.

This means that his total income from both contracts cannot exceed the limit of PLN 85,528 in the tax year.

Important: you should monitor your annual income yourself and inform your employer at the appropriate time about waiving the relief so that he or she can start calculating PIT advances.

Application for waiver of exemption
It is possible to submit an application for the collection of advances without applying the tax exemption. Such an application is submitted to the employer, who collects the advances without applying this exemption, at the latest from the month following the month in which he received the application. This application is submitted separately for each tax year.

If the taxpayer files an application for non-application of the exemption, the payer collects advances on general terms. However, the taxpayer may in such a situation use the exemption in the annual settlement.

How to settle PIT-37 for persons under 26 years of age?

Persons who have earned income covered by the youth tax relief not exceeding the limit are not obliged to submit an annual PIT tax return.

If the revenues exceed the limit, the taxpayer is obliged to take into account the exceeded amount and settle it.

People whose income comes from contracts that are not covered by the youth tax relief are required to submit a PIT declaration.