You can now write code and
Posted: Sun Dec 22, 2024 7:10 am
Step 3 This step configures how your Messaging Service handles incoming messages. Since we're only discussing alphanumeric senders that can't receive incoming messages, let's skip to the next step. If you add a long code number to your sender group, you'll need to configure those settings later. Click Step 4 : Add compliance info . Step 4 If you send A2P (application-to-person) SMS messages to the United States, you will need to follow the A2P 10DLC rules .
We won't cover that here, but if it applies to you, click this link to learn more and sign up for A2P 10DLC messaging . Click Complete Messaging Service Setup , then click 11-digit phone number format philippines View my new Messaging Service . send SMS from your Messaging Service using an alphanumeric sender. Sending an SMS from an alphanumeric sender in Ruby Your Twilio account is now set up to send messages from your alphanumeric sender.
Let's move on to writing the message sending code. If you want to skip ahead to the end, the code is available on GitHub . Creating a Ruby Project First, make sure you have Ruby installed on your machine. Also, make sure you have Bundler installed to manage dependencies. Bash Copy the code gem install bundler Create a new directory for this project, then navigate to that directory on the command line: Bash Copy the code mkdir send-sms-with-twilio-alphanumeric-sender-ruby cd send-sms-with-twilio-alphanumeric-sender-ruby In the directory, run the command: Bash Copy the code bundle init This command creates a Gemfile to store our project's dependencies.
We won't cover that here, but if it applies to you, click this link to learn more and sign up for A2P 10DLC messaging . Click Complete Messaging Service Setup , then click 11-digit phone number format philippines View my new Messaging Service . send SMS from your Messaging Service using an alphanumeric sender. Sending an SMS from an alphanumeric sender in Ruby Your Twilio account is now set up to send messages from your alphanumeric sender.
Let's move on to writing the message sending code. If you want to skip ahead to the end, the code is available on GitHub . Creating a Ruby Project First, make sure you have Ruby installed on your machine. Also, make sure you have Bundler installed to manage dependencies. Bash Copy the code gem install bundler Create a new directory for this project, then navigate to that directory on the command line: Bash Copy the code mkdir send-sms-with-twilio-alphanumeric-sender-ruby cd send-sms-with-twilio-alphanumeric-sender-ruby In the directory, run the command: Bash Copy the code bundle init This command creates a Gemfile to store our project's dependencies.