Rumors of a big new feature or version update are common among cloud users. What people don't usually hear about are the small features or improvements that have a huge impact on the companies that use them.
This blog will cover the Menu List and the individual or whatsapp number list bulk actions you can perform on entries without leaving the list.
Below I've broken down the features one by one and covered their usage and the actions you can perform in detail. But first, let's learn a little more about the list view actions.

What are list view (record) actions?
Action menu in list form
List view actions are individual or bulk actions that can be performed in the list view. Users can select individual or multiple records at once and perform various actions such as edit, comment, export, print/PDF export, tag, transfer ownership, send email, change owner, merge selected records, and delete.
Let's dive into each feature below:
View List Edit
The list view editing feature is an efficient way to edit fields in either individual records or multiple records at once, without having to manually edit each record. By default, many fields in Vtiger are available for bulk editing. Administrators can also turn this option on or off, giving full control over which fields can be edited in this way. Administrators also have the ability to create new custom fields and enable the bulk editing option. This allows for even more customization and control.
Imagine you need to reassign hundreds of records to another user based on the value of a specific field. You can simply create a new list using conditions, or use the search in the list view to filter specific records. From there, you can select all the records in the list and reassign them in one fell swoop.
This feature allows users to make bulk changes to records in a short period of time, helping to free up valuable time so users can focus on more important issues.
Comment on list view
The list view's comment feature allows users to post messages, attach files, and collaborate with their teams on individual or multiple posts without leaving the list view. Users can also use @Mentions to send emails and notifications to specific colleagues if something requires their attention.
Let’s look at a scenario where a sales manager could use this feature to post a comment on all leads that have a “Cold” status, asking their sales reps to make follow-up calls using the new script. The sales manager could create a custom list using filters and conditions to create a list of all leads with a “Cold” status. From there, the sales manager could simply use @Mentions mentioning @salesteam for calls and attach the new script file directly to the comments section of the Leads record. Then, all users in the @salesteam group would receive an email notification and a notification in their CRM notifying them that their manager made this request. They would also have easy access to download the new script file.
At Vtiger, we rely heavily on the commenting and @Mention features when updating posts or collaborating with our different teams. Allowing users to comment on multiple posts at once is a simple yet effective way to save time.