playing telephone with recruiters.

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playing telephone with recruiters.

Post by Rrakibmmm »

Searching for your dream job usually takes a lot of effort and nerves. It is also often a huge test of patience. Hundreds of ads read, dozens of CVs sent, and…

Imagine the job market of the chinese overseas canada number data
future, where you swap places with a job offer – you describe yourself, your skills and expectations, and companies that want to hire you contact you themselves. A pipe dream? No!
The future is today, and the future of recruitment is definitely the Talent Match program – a career “Tinder”, where you don’t look for your dream role, but it finds you. Well… maybe with a little help from us.

Sounds great, but too perfect? ​​Don't worry, we'll dispel your doubts !
Meet Olga Śladowska, a student at the Warsaw School of Economics, who tested Talent Match and [SPOILER ALERT] landed her dream internship at Philips.

Don't know where to start? Check out how Olga's story unfolded!
TALENT DAYS: Hello, Olga! We are very happy to have you with us. We will soon learn the interesting story of your participation in Talent Days. Before we get to that, we would like you to introduce yourself and tell us a little about yourself.

OLGA: Hi! I'm Olga, I study Quantitative Methods in Economics and Information Systems at the Warsaw School of Economics. Currently, thanks to a job fair, I'm also an intern at Phillips.

TALENT DAYS: Fantastic that you managed to get a great internship! Continuing, will you tell us what you do privately?

OLGA: My passion is traveling – I love discovering the world and learning about new cultures, as well as trying different cuisines. Additionally, my interests include broadly understood art, especially fashion and creating my own nail art. Apart from that, the field that draws me in is marketing – especially social media.
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