The Campofrío Christmas 2022 Ad is here , one of the most anticipated spots of the year.
In the past, advertisements such as the Lottery advertisement always occupied the top spot on the podium, but today, in my humble opinion, the Campofrío Christmas Advertisement is already at the same level, and now “eats at the same table” …
As usual, full of famous faces, actresses, actors, singers, comedians, athletes... it makes us wonder what kind of legacy we are going to leave to our loved ones.
Directed by Daniel Sánchez Arévalo and filmed at the Eduardo Torroja Institute of Construction Sciences (Pinar de Chamartín), it is titled “The inheritance: the legacy we leave behind” .
Famous and “famous”…
Mariona Terés, Carlos Areces, Antonio de la Torre… as I was saying, faces from the small and big screen to give a “famous” touch to the spot. Wars, crises, uncertainty… make us rethink what we are going to leave as an inheritance to our descendants.
The Creative Directors of this campaign are Raquel Martínez and Mónica Moro, who orchestrate a self-parody spot on society, about how we are going to lose kilos and kilos india telegram mobile phone number list of pessimism because of the term invented in the spot, but which has its own thing: “collapse” .
Finally, the main character's will is modified at the last minute, thanks to a young woman who gives a speech of beardless sincerity...
Humour, self-parody, the presence of well-known figures from different sectors, an encouraging message and a “photo” of their products at some point are the ingredients that Campofrío has been adding to Christmas for over a decade.
It was in 2011 when, due to the drop in sales caused by the now well-known crisis, Campofrío launched the first spot of this style, I think with faces like Santiago Segura, Pajares and Esteso or the other comedy duo from Martes y Trece.
Advertising is sometimes a nice way to reach consumers, and if it manages to bring a smile, even better, we really need it .