True to the rule “trust but verify”, we called 1000 companies from 8 different business sectors and compared the quality of service, which, as it turned out, is a pain in the heart. The results are instructive: 2 out of 3 orders by phone are lost forever, and the well-known sins of telephone sales are to blame: the “busy” signal, forcing the client to go to competitors, an unforgivably long wait for an answer and the inability of managers to clearly answer questions about the product. Now let's translate this into the language of numbers.
No answer
12% did not answer
at all
The study showed that in almost 12% of cases, italy phone numbers clients “dropped off” at the stage of calling the company - the call was simply missed. It turned out that the busiest managers work in the advertising services sector: 17% of companies in this segment refused to answer our call. Second and third places were shared by companies engaged in furniture design and repair (16%), as well as car sales (15%). A slightly more responsible approach to this issue is in the construction (9% of missed calls), real estate (7%), finance and lending (6%).
Expectation and reality
16% did not answer the call within 26 seconds The easiest way to part with a client is to make them wait. And yet, almost 16% of companies forced us to “hang” on the line waiting for an answer for more than 25 seconds. The leader of this anti-rating was the finance and lending sector - almost 30% of companies in this area offer their clients to listen to beeps and an automatic greeting instead of a consultation. They are followed by advertisers: 24% of calls were not answered immediately. Next are automobile companies (18%), the B2B services sector (12%), and furniture design and repair (12%). The B2C segment deserves a separate line and a reason to be proud: the number of unanswered calls in this area is confidently approaching zero, which cannot but please.
Less words
47% do not have a sales algorithm Statistics are merciless: employees of 47% of companies do not have a clear algorithm for communicating with the client, improvise unsuccessfully and, as a rule, lose sales, and 7% of companies have not taught their employees to answer questions about the product at all. In the conditions of fierce competition, incompetence and illiteracy of employees is an unforgivable mistake that must be fought.
Always in touch?
2 out of 3 orders are lost due to poor service It may seem strange, but the time of day did not affect the behavior of managers and the quality of service, at least we could not find any logical connection. Judge for yourself: both during the day and in the evening, we waited for an operator to answer for more than 25 seconds in 16% of cases. But there were fewer missed calls in the morning - only 9%, while in the evening - 13%. As for the literacy of answers, the difference is not great: during the day, the probability of meeting an incompetent manager is 45%, and in the evening this figure increases to 47.5%. And yet the total number of missed calls during the day above is as much as 8%, in the evening - 6%.
This is the math we got - not very funny and very instructive: due to poor service, companies lose 2 out of 3 orders! And at the same time, the benefit of our research is obvious: there are obvious weaknesses in the work of managers and the lack of a clear sales algorithm. Let this be an incentive for companies offering their services by phone to work on mistakes and an excellent reason to use virtual telephony tools to the maximum and bring their service to perfection.
The effectiveness of telephone sales in Russia
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