Microcontent: The Big Power of Small Formats

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Microcontent: The Big Power of Small Formats

Post by Mimaktsa10 »

Abundance of information, as well as abundance of advertising, makes the user's internal blocker work. That's why in the era of information overload, microcontent is used in the fight for customers' attention. It is still able to catch and convey the essence among the abundance of content.

Fractus also works on creating microcontent. Contact us if you need to stand out in the flow of information and reach out to the client.

What is microcontent
A short, self-sufficient piece of text or visual information – that’s what microcontent is. It takes up to 30 seconds to perceive. Unlike a lengthy text or a long video, it contains the most important information angola email list 276670 contact leads and has a more effective impact on the user. It’s a beacon that can be seen in the information fog.

And microcontent in sales is a powerful tool. It catches, attracts, allows you to diversify messages for the audience, provides valuable information. In addition, it helps out when budgets are limited, and you need to stay in touch with users.

What is microcontent

Types of microcontent
Text microcontent can be either long-lasting – working for the future and always relevant, or valuable only for a certain time: following trends and news.

Text microcontent
There are two types of text microcontent.

Part of the text:
email subjects.
Independent unit:
RSS feed messages;
search results, including Google snippets.
Visual microcontent
It is more effective than text because it is perceived more quickly. And its virality is higher. It can serve as an addition to text content or be an independent unit. The most common examples:

short videos;
information cards;
visualized aphorisms and quotes;
diagrams and tables;
trend maps.
How to create successful content
In order for the content to be truly interesting and to be able to hook users, it is worth understanding what it should contain:

Benefit . A message to the audience about what they are looking for and need, and it doesn’t really matter what kind: entertaining, educational, selling, etc.
Simple phrases . Not only brevity is the soul of talent, but also simplicity. Write in clear language, without specialized terms, abbreviations, cumbersome sentences and repetitions.
A complete thought . The fragment must be complete – not leave anything unsaid and not raise questions.
No clickbait . A user may buy into a flashy headline once. But if his expectations are deceived, he won't come again.
Keywords . If we are talking about text, they should be added at the beginning.
How to create successful content

Benefits of Mini Content
Firstly, it allows you to convey the most important things in a minimum amount of time.
Secondly, it has virality – it makes you want to share.
Thirdly, it causes an immediate reaction: read or watch, like, share.
Fourth, the most inexpensive type of content.
Microcontent by Fractus
Creating this kind of content is not something that an ordinary employee can handle. That is why it is worth ordering from specialists – the Fractus company.

We will create creative content for the network in a mini-format, be it visual or textual, both independent and in addition to texts. It will be able to hook the user and make them wait for new releases, make them your supporter and push them to buy. Order! And microcontent will bring maximum benefit.

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