I inspected the text of the reform (which contains other things, all the same), and you know what it doesn't contain? Just, come on, one hour a week, what am I saying, half an hour to talk about current events, the real world, all that. No, because right now, if a kid has a question about the world around him, he has two options:
A) wait until it is on the program
B) look on Google or in the trololo comments of Le Monde.fr
And if there's no one to talk about it, he'll form his own opinion about the whatsapp number list Israeli-Palestinian conflict via YouTube (where he'll learn it's a Jewish-Jewish plot), the economic crisis (where he'll learn it's a Masonic-Masonic plot), or what's really going on in the National Assembly (and wonder why he doesn't have the right to squeal like a pig in class while the MPs do). And when four years later, in the middle of a lesson, the subject comes up and he brings up what he's been seeing on the internet for years, people will be outraged and say, " Oh, that's weird, students have a different idea of current events than what's discussed at school! " Except that, hihihi, it's funny, we just forgot to bring up current events at school. It's not on the curriculum. So we let them look elsewhere and then we complain that, oh my goodness, those little bastards went looking elsewhere! It's so consistent.
So really. This vast debate is wonderful. Not only because, in the name of the accuracy of History, we invoke poor Voltaire, whose image in textbooks no longer has much to do with his true story (once again, the national novel needs heroes), but above all, because ultimately, in the name of civic education of the citizen and the learning of History, we talk about everything except civic education at school and how History is learned there.
There would be a lot to say about teaching the Enlightenment or not.
But if we could avoid taking everyone for fools in this matter, that would be really nice.
What am I saying, it would be citizen .
I wonder what Voltaire would have said about it.
Bonus: What would happen if everything worked as the debaters suggest?
Paris 16th, room of Jacques-Maurice, 13 years old, Wednesday, 3:42 p.m.
“ Hee hee, that anti-Semitic joke is really funny! This YouTube video is really great.
” – *schwiiiiing*
– What… but? What the hell is that light? My god, a portal! Someone’s coming out of it, ah! Who are you?
– Voltaire, my good friend!
– Oh yes, all right. And what are you doing in my room?
– Well, you remember, you studied the Enlightenment a term ago, in Mrs. Piconet’s class.
– No, that doesn’t mean anything to me.
– But yes! Voltaire! The Enlightenment! Philosophers, all that!
– Oh no, but I have an average of 7 in History, sir.
– Oh. I see. Okay, listen, here it is. Since you had a history lesson on me, every time you do something wrong, like laugh at an anti-Semitic joke, bam, I come and haunt you, you regret it, you stop, and you move on with your life.
We're offered dance lessons to fix that
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