Direct teasers are published in special teaser networks

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Direct teasers are published in special teaser networks

Post by jarinislamfatema »

This is done by specialists. What is the essence of teaser advertising? A short message of a few words that contains the essence of the product being sold is the best model of an effective teaser. This type of advertising was first used in 1906 for MJB Coffee in San Francisco. The advertising slogan associated with the main emotions of this product included only one word: “Why?” Since then, the essence of teaser advertising has not changed - to attract the buyer's attention, intrigue him, and project his thoughts in the right direction.

Stages of a teaser advertising campaign: At the panama cell phone number list first stage, messages are composed from one question: “Who?”, “How?”, “Why?”, etc. At the second stage, the product itself is presented with the answer to the previous question. Such intrigue is created to motivate to buy or try something. Modern trailers are a bright example of teaser advertising . They motivate us to go to the premiere of a particular film. Also, such advertising is used by publishers before the release of a book.

Advantages Such advertising has a number of advantages that are noticeable when applied in practice. One of them is the price. Such advertising has a relatively low price, which allows you to order promotion of goods in large quantities. Thus, the same product can be advertised on different platforms, based on the target audience. That is, with small financial costs, you can achieve a higher click-through rate. Another advantage of teaser advertising is the simplicity of its creation. Indeed, to create a provocative advertisement, you do not need to resort to complex graphic editing.
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