You have to choose 5 performance indicators to measure a portfolio of companies; which ones are they?

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You have to choose 5 performance indicators to measure a portfolio of companies; which ones are they?

Post by mstajminakter13 »

In the world of startups, measuring the performance of a portfolio of companies is a constant challenge. At SquadS Ventures, we are looking for the most effective performance indicators to evaluate the evolution of our companies. We want to establish a system that not only sets the pace for the sales team, but also allows us to compare projects that are essentially different, but with the same objective: to grow in this fourth quarter. From Boris Returns, focused on exchanges and returns in eCommerce, to FractionalCMO, which measures and acts on growth strategies, all our companies are SaaS, although they do not share the same ideal client or recurring income.

The 5 key indicators for measuring performance
The choice of performance indicators is crucial to simplify the monitoring of our companies' progress. The key word here is synthesis . We don't want to get lost in unnecessary details, but rather have a clear and quick overview of how close or far we are from meeting the quarter's objectives. Here are the five indicators we have selected:

These indicators allow us to have a clear and concise view of the korean amateur telegram performance of our companies. Revenue is the starting point, since without income and signs of growth, a company is in trouble. The number of clients is the next logical step; if this number grows week by week, we are on the right track. The number of leads is fundamental for the growth team, since everything starts with the number of prospects. The number of clients in negotiation gives us insights into the quality of the leads and the closing rate. Finally, breaking down revenue into MRR and OneShot allows us to have a more detailed view of the income stream.

Contextualizing the challenge
At SquadS Ventures, every company has its own unique path and challenges. However, they all share the need to grow and achieve their quarterly goals. The diversity in our projects, from inbound marketing tools to psychometric assessments, forces us to be precise and efficient in measuring performance.

The SaaS approach allows us to apply certain universal indicators, but we must also adapt to the particularities of each company. For example, while some companies may have a recurring revenue model (MRR), others may rely more on one-time revenue (OneShot). This diversity leads us to break down revenue to get a clearer picture of financial performance.
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