An app in a matter of seconds?

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An app in a matter of seconds?

Post by hasibaakterss3309 »

Artistic image made with AIExample of an artistic image made with Artificial Intelligence
Today, there are a handful of AI platforms and applications that are dedicated exclusively to generating artistic works from a few lines of text. Among them, the most famous is DALL-E 2, developed by – surprise, surprise – the guys at OpenAI. Both DALL-E 2 and the rest of the tools of this type are “trained” with all the content available online. That is to say, they do not only take patterns from works by recognized artists such as Picasso or Van Gogh but they also draw on the works of emerging artists who upload their content to the web. This raises very serious and worrying questions regarding plagiarism and consent. Some argue that these applications are nothing more than high-tech plagiarism. On the other hand, many artists are concerned that their works are being used without their consent to “train” these applications.

Ultimately, there is some unhealthy competition if list of us mobile number database these apps draw on the works of millions of artists to produce “new” images that can then be used for commercial purposes. As early as June 2022, Cosmopolitan released the first magazine cover generated by artificial intelligence . Who would pay for an illustration, a logo, or even a piece of art to hang in their home when they can produce it for free in

However, artist Anna Riddler believes the idea that these apps could eventually replace artists is based on an underestimation of the artistic process. A work of art is more than just a collection of pixels. Riddler, who has worked with AI tools, argues that “AI can’t handle concepts: capturing moments in time, memory, thoughts, emotions – all of that is a real human skill, making a work of art rather than something that visually looks pretty.”
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