"Number of referring domains" graph

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"Number of referring domains" graph

Post by rochon.a1.119 »

New SEMrush Backlink Database - Average Results
How do you interpret these graphs correctly?
"Number of backlinks" graph
If our competitors' chart is above 1, SEMrush has more backlinks in the database.

For example, the SEMrush/Ahrefs comparison has the top point at 2.5 so SEMrush showed 2.5 more backlinks than Ahrefs.

You can read the results in the same way as for "Number of backlinks".

However, if the chart is below 1, the competitor has more afghanistan phone number list referring domains this time.

In this case, it's Moz.

We've made a huge effort to expand our backlink database and we feel good when we look at the numbers but at the end of the day, it's just numbers.

Quantity of data does not necessarily translate into quality, so we are making a great effort to continue to ensure that our database remains fresh and useful.
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