This part of the table has the following appearance (information is given in thousands of rubles):
Income and Expense Plan
Operating income corresponds to the philippine country code amounts received from the sale of services 1–4. Thus, for January this figure will be 151 thousand rubles (the sum of 15 + 30 + 46 + 60).

As a formula we write:
fx =SUM(B5:B8)
Specify the numerical values for services using links to the cells of the “Service Implementation Plan” table.
The “Total” column displays the sum of the values in cells B4–M4 using the formula:
fx =SUM(B4:M4).
The same principle is used to calculate operating expenses in the financial model. The data must be synchronized with the "Expense Plan" table .
Operating profit must be calculated by subtracting similar expenses from operating income. Let's say operating profit in January was: 151 - 96 = 55 thousand rubles.
Profitability is the ratio of operating profit to operating income, which is additionally multiplied by 100%.
In January, this indicator in our example is at the level of: 55 / 151 * 100 = 36.69%. Formula in Excel:
fх = B13 / B4 * 100.
It should be emphasized that the final profitability is not the sum of the indicators achieved in the previous months. It is understood as the ratio of the final operating profit amounts to income.
The cumulative profit is the profit/loss for the previous and current reporting periods. Let's say the operating profit in January is 55 thousand rubles. The following month, you need to add 58 thousand rubles to it, which makes 113 thousand rubles. In March, the final figure grows to 176 thousand rubles, since they added 64 thousand rubles. And so on.
In the financial model, the cumulative total, for example, for February is fixed using the formula: