Ephemerality and exclusivity lend themselves well to influencer marketing. It fits in with the form that social media is increasingly taking: the temporary 24-hour Stories on Instagram, Snapchat in which your photo disappears after viewing and live videos on Facebook. And exclusive content is essential for an involved influencer campaign. To prevent your content from being too 'now or never' and your target group from being too late for a visit, influencer marketing can be used in the preliminary phase. The Amsterdam Museum Night had around 20 Dutch influencers map out their own route between the various art institutions and placed this on their website for inspiration in advance. During the night, a number of influencers reported live on 'their' route .
6. Positive image
Although it is labeled by some as a 'left-wing hobby', the creative industry has proven to have a positive influence on our economy. It makes cities more attractive to residents, companies and tourists, contributes to an innovative climate in our country and provides creative solutions to social problems .
For these reasons, companies like to connect with creative parties, for example the collaboration between construction company Heijmans and designer Daan Roosegaarde. Influencer marketing also revolves around a positive image, both of the influencer and of the party that uses him. An influencer who works for an industry that is innovative, social and creative; that is a win-win for both parties.
7. Image is everything
We don't need to say anything more about the power of images. And how wonderful it is that creativity is so photogenic. Photography, video, performances, shows... everything can be (and is already frequently) captured in still or moving images. Just search on Instagram for the hashtag #artoftheday and you can choose from indonesia mobile number list over 14 million artistic images.
There are also opportunities in the field of video and film. 73 percent of Dutch people watch videos online and almost 60 percent are active YouTube viewers . An initiative that has been using the power of video to show visual art for years is ARTtube. This is a channel with, among other things, behind-the-scenes looks at exhibitions and interviews with artists and curators to inspire art lovers 'also outside the walls and opening hours of the museum '.
Influencers can also be found closer to home: within your organization. In the past, we called this online ambassadors, but now we prefer to speak of employee advocacy : encouraging your employees to mention the organization on social media. The way to achieve this: belief in a product and taking responsibility yourself. In the creative industry and cultural sector, employees generally work 'with a heart for the arts'. In addition, you often work towards a final product in a relatively short time: a concert, exhibition or book design (see point 5). What you achieve together deserves to be seen. After all, you have also contributed to it.
In short: enough reasons for the cultural sector to put influencer marketing on their New Year's Resolutions List for 2018. And to experience how the richness of art can be used on (new) online platforms of the right art-loving influencer.
Employee advocacy: influencers 'in-house
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